Sunday, February 24, 2019

XML-RPC - Data Model

The XML-RPC specification defines six basic data types and two compound data types that represent combinations of types.

Basic Data Types in XML-RPC

int or i432-bit integers between - 2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647.
double64-bit floating-point numbers
Booleantrue (1) or false (0)
stringASCII text, though many implementations support Unicode
<string>bonkers! @</string>
dateTime.iso8601Dates in ISO8601 format: CCYYMMDDTHH:MM:SS
base64Binary information encoded as Base 64, as defined in RFC 2045
These basic types are always enclosed in value elements. Strings (and only strings) may be enclosed in a value element but omit the string element. These basic types may be combined into two more complex types, arrays, and structs. Arrays represent sequential information, while structs represent name-value pairs, much like hashtables, associative arrays, or properties.
Arrays are indicated by the array element, which contains a data element holding the list of values. Like other data types, the array element must be enclosed in a value element. For example, the following arraycontains four strings:
         <value><string>This </string></value>
         <value><string>is </string></value>
         <value><string>an </string></value>
The following array contains four integers:
Arrays can also contain mixtures of different types, as shown here:
         <value><string>Chaotic collection, eh?</string></value>
Creating multidimensional arrays is simple - just add an array inside of an array:
A simple struct might look like:
This way you can implement almost all data types supported by any programming language.

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