Sunday, February 3, 2019

Titration of standard sabin virus to test sensitivity of cell lines

1.     Scope
·       This procedure explains how to check sensitivity of cells by Titration of Standard lab. Sabin viruses (P1, P2 & P3)

2.     Definition
·       ml        =         Milliliter
·       ART    =         Aerosol Resistant Tips.
·       CCID50 =         Cell Culture Infectious Dose

3.    Material
·       Vortex mixture
·       Microtitre Plate
·       Micropipettes (1000µl & 100µl)
·       Maintenance medium
·       Standard Sabin viruses P1, P2, P3
·       Pipetters with ART tips
·       Flask having confluent monolayer of cells of the cell line to be tested
·       5ml externally threaded sterile vials.
·       Rack for holding the vials.
·       Discarding Pan having 1% hypochlorite solution.

4.     Procedure
·       Cell lines to be tested for sensitivity to all 3 sabin viruses.
·       Keep all the required material in Biosafety cabinet.
·       Arrange 8, 5ml vials in a row in a rack for P1, 8 vials for P2 and 8 vials for P3.
·       Label dilution vials as -2 to -9 for each  serotype
·       Dispense 2.7ml maintenance medium to each vials of 1-8 using 1 ml micropipette.
  • First rapidly thaw one aliquot of P1 standard sabin virus and add 0.9ml maintenance medium to make 10-1 dilution and mix well using vortex mixer.          
  • Add 0.3ml of this i.e. 10-1 dilution to the 1st vial in the rack labeled as -2 with sterile filter tip to make10-2 dilution and discard tip into the pan.
·       Close the vial and vortex gently.
10-3 and discard tip into the pan. Close the vial and vortex gently.
  • Repeat dilution steps transferring 0.3ml each time and always changing tip between  dilutions up until vial (10-9 dilution)
  • Label microtitre plate with name of sabin virus, name of cell line to be tested, dilutions, date of titration and cell control wells.
  • Add 100µl maintenance medium into wells 12 of rows A to H.
  • Add 100µl virus dilution 10-9 in G1 – G10 and H1 – H1, 10-8 in E1 – E10 and F1 – F10, 10-7 in C1 – C10 and D1 – D10, 10-6 in A1-A10 and B1-B10 i.e. 20 wells for each dilution.
  • Repeat the above procedure for P2 and P3 sabin viruses.
  • Prepare suspension of cells to be tested (1.5×105/ml for L20B, 1.0X105 /ml for RD cells) calculating at least 12ml per plate.
  • Add 100µl of cells from a cell suspension to all wells in rows A to H in the plate with sterile dropper.
  • Cover the plate and keep it in the CO2 incubator at 36ºC and 5% Co2level with 95% humidity.
  • Next day observe the plate for healthy cell monolayer and absence of contamination.
  • Read the plate for development of CPE using inverted microscope on 3rd, 5th and 7th day and record readings in Worksheet for Virus Titration PR-44.
  • For a valid test cell control should have a complete monolayer of healthy cells and no CPE.
  • Lowest dilution should show 100% CPE and highest dilution should not show any CPE and the Intermediate dilutions should show CPE in gradation.
  • These plates are to be used for staining.
  Calculate the virus titer using Karber formula.
·       Log CCID50     =          L-d(S-0.5)
·       L                      =          Log of lowest dilution used in the test
·       D                     =          Difference between log dilution steps.
·       S                      =          Sum of proportion of positive test showing CPE.
·       Log CCID50     =          -x
·       Virus Titer      =          10x CCID50/0.1ml. 
  • For initial determination and validation of the titer of the laboratory quality standard, the titer for the quality control standard repeated 3 times and to be parallel each time with the NIBSC reference standard.
  • The titers should not vary by more than +/-0.5log10 on all occasions.
  • The titer of the lab QC standard will be higher than the NIBSC reference standard.
  • If the above criteria are met then the titer for the laboratory QC standard will be the average of the 3 titers.
  • Do the titration of the cell lines on 2 occasions i.e. on revival from            LN2 at #3and #8. Compare virus titer with laboratory QC titer. It must not vary by more than ± 0.5 log of 10 reference value. If there is decline in sensitivity do titration with a fresh aliquot of reference standard to exclude possibility of human error. If titer is again low then discard that cell line and revive a new vial from liquid nitrogen and check its sensitivity again.
  • Record the sensitivity of cells in register PR-39.
  • Send the results to WHO within 7 days of testing.

1.    Safety conditions
·       To avoid creation of aerosols transfer the fluid gently during dilutions.
·       Vortex the vial, leaves it for one min, and then does the next dilution.

2.    Documentation
·       Virus titration work sheet PR-39 and PR-44.

3.    References used to draw SOP
·       WHO Polio Laboratory Manual.

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