Sunday, February 3, 2019

Cell Banking

1.    Scope
·       This SOP explains how to freeze the cells slowly for the preparation of Cell culture stocks.

2.    Definition
·       DMSO             -           Dimethyl Sulphoxide
·       LN2                             -                  Liquid Nitrogen
·       PBS                 -           Phosphate Buffer Saline

3.    Material
·       PBS (Without Ca & Mg)
·       10% GM with 10% DMSO
·       Nunc Cryo-Vial
·       Pipette
·       Incubator
·       Freeze-80ºĊ
·       Gauge-piece
·       Liquid nitrogen
·       Microscope
·       Trypsin-EDTA  

4.    .  Procedure
  • Low passaged cells of RD and L20B cell line are received from Enterovirus research centre, Mumbail.
  • 2 flasks of 25 cm 2 of each of L20B #21 and RD # 230 were received in the lab in the month of August 2008.
  • On arrival , the flask is checked Macroscopically for the following:
o   Breakage in the flask
o   Loosening of the caps
o   Leakage in the flask
o   Flask labels – these are checked for the values mentioned in the form accompanying the flask- Cell line, #, Date of preparation
o   Turbidity and fungal colonies
o   Colour changes in the media( yellow or deep red)
o   Date of preparation of flask
·       Flask is examined microscopically for the following:
o   Monolayer – the sheet is observed for the monolayer and the percentage is filled in the flask register. It should be 80-90% complete.
o   Detachments of cells if any
o   Floating debries
o   Bacterial and fungal contamination
Note: If the cells are contaminated, they are discarded and a new shipment of cells is requested.
·       Document accompanying the form is checked for the following:
o       Cell line
o       # no
o       Date of preparation
o       Seeding count
o       Mycoplasma testing
o       Growth medium
o       Condition of cells
o       Absolute passage number
·       Document of cell line history is kept in cell line history file no PF-03
·       The details mentioned in the form are checked and marked with comments on the form. The passage number received is treated as absolute passage number.

Adaptation of newly received cells:
·       The external surface of flask is decontaminated with spirit swab before transferring to cell culture area.
·       Aseptically remove the medium and add 10 ml of 10 % GM in the 25 cm 2   flask. Remove the medium from inside of the neck or cap area.
·       Incubate the culture at 36°C for overnight to acclimatize the cells.
·       If the sheet is confluent, the flask is subcultured, if not, then it is incubated and monolayer is allowed to complete to 80-90%. Flask is observed everyday for monolayer and the percentage of sheet is entered in flask register.

Freezing of cells:
·       Cryo vial are labeled with type of cell line, absolute passage no and date of freezing with an adhesive tape and also write with marker on vial.
·       One person discards the growth medium from flask.
·       Add (3ml for 25cm2 flask and 5ml for 75 cm2 flask) PBS (Without Ca & Mg), and wash the cells for two times.
·       Add 3ml Trypsin EDTA for 25 cm2 flask and 5ml for 75 cm2 and leave it until streaks appears and then remove it with sterile 5ml pipette.
·       Tap gently the flask so that cell sheet will get detached.
·       To make cell suspension add 3ml 10% growth medium in 25cm2 flask and 5ml 10% growth medium in 75 cm2  flask.
·       Do cell count as referred in SOP no.6.8
·       Transfer cell suspension in to centrifuge tube.
·       Before centrifugation balance properly.
·       Centrifugation is done at 1000rpm for 10 min at 4° C.
·       After centrifugation discard the supernatant carefully with sterile 5ml pipette. Leave the pallet in centrifuge tube.
·       Prepare 10% growth medium with 10% DMSO.
·       For preservation of cells, the cell count should be 2.0 × 106 cell/ml for 25 cm2 and   4.0 × 106 cell/ml for 75 cm2.
·       Prepare dilution of concentrated cell with growth medium containing 10% FBS and 10% DMSO.
·       Transfer the cells (1ml) in to each vial which is previously labeled, tighten the cap and seal with sticking plaster.
·       Put vials in the nalgene container having Isopropyl alcohol.
·       Place container into-80°Ċ deep freeze over night so that temperature drops -10C/minute.
·       On second day place the vial in special holding cane with marking and tie the vial with rubber band to the cane.
·       Place cane in canister and place canister in to Liquid Nitrogen container.

1.    Safety conditions  
  • DMSO is powerful solvent so avoid it to come it contact with skin when preparing or using DMSO containing freezing medium.
  • When working with LN2 wear aprons, shoes, and gloves to avoid injuries from Nitrogen splashes or explosion of imperfectly seal vials.
  • Work with one cell line at a time.
1.    Documentation  
  • Note the position of vial in cane and canister in the LN2 register PR-33 and cell line history File PF-03.
  • Check the level of LN2 once in two weeks, at the time of revival and at the time of freezing and keep a record in LN2 register PR-33

2.    References used to draw SOP
  • WHO Polio Laboratory Manual.
  • S2, Supplement to the WHO Polio laboratory manual- adapataion of newly received cells to local condition

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