Sunday, February 24, 2019

AIML - , Tags

<set> and <get> tags are used to work with variables in AIML. Variables can be predefined variables or programmer created variables.


<set> tag is used to set value in a variable.
<set name = "variable-name"> variable-value </set>
<get> tag is used to get value from a variable.
<get name = "variable-name"></get>
For example, consider the following conversation.
Human: I am Mahesh
Robot: Hello Mahesh!
Human: Good Night
Robot: Good Night Mahesh! Thanks for the conversation!


Create setget.aiml inside C > ab > bots > test > aiml and setget.aiml.csv inside C > ab > bots > test > aimlif directories.


<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<aiml version = "1.0.1" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
      <pattern>I am *</pattern>
         Hello <set name = "username"> <star/>! </set>
      <pattern>Good Night</pattern>
         Hi <get name = "username"/> Thanks for the conversation!


0,I am *,*,*, Hello <set name = "username"> <star/>! </set>,setget.aiml
0,Good Night,*,*, Hi <get name = "username"/> Thanks for the conversation!,setget.aiml

Execute the Program

Open the command prompt. Go to C > ab > and type the following command −
java -cp lib/Ab.jar Main bot = test action = chat trace = false

Verify the Result

You will see the following output −
Human: I am Mahesh
Robot: Hello Mahesh!
Human: Good Night
Robot: Good Night Mahesh! Thanks for the conversation!

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