Sunday, February 3, 2019

Receiving of Stool Samples

  1. Scope
·       This document contains the procedure for receiving of stool samples from  AFP Cases and contact of AFP case

  1. Definition
  • LRF                 -           Laboratory request form
  • EPID NO         -           Unique number assigned to AFP case.
  • OPV                -           Oral Polio Vaccine.   
  • BSC                 -           Biosafety Cabinet

  1. Materials
  • Labels with serial no.
  • Polythene bag
  • Absorbent pad
  • Box to keep the sample
  • Discarding container with 1% sodium hypochlorite
  • Sterile specimen container
  • Sterile glass rods/Pasteur pipettes

  1. Procedure
  • Entry of stool sample in the stool sample receiving register:
  • Write the lab. Serial no. in stool sample receiving register No.PR 01 and LRF e.g.- 1/11, 2/11, 3/11 …
  • In the LRF check for the following information.
  • EPID No.
  • Name of the patient with proper address.
  • Date of Onset of paralysis.
  • Date of last OPV and No. of OPV doses.
  • Date of sample collection.
  • Date sample sent to lab.
  • Specimen from an AFP case or Contact.
  • If it is contact check EPID no. of related case.
  • Specimen type (rectal swab, stool samples etc.)
  • Enter the above information into the stool sample receiving register.
  • Checking of stool samples:
  • Take the stool carrier to the designated area-Virology Room No.2.Only carrier goes inside the lab and not the person who brings the samples.
  • Keep discarding container with 1% Sod. Hypochlorite solution, absorbent bench pad, sterile specimen containers, sterile glass rods/Pasteur pipettes and polythene bags ready in biosafety cabinet.
  • Two persons should receive the stool samples. One person wearing gloves only should handle the samples and other person should not touch the samples; he/she should prepare labels with lab. serial no. and record data.
  • Open the sample carrier in designated area; do not open it out side.
  • Write the lab no. on the label as written on the LRF.
·       Check that there is presence of ice, no leakage, desiccation or breakage of the samples and quantity of the stool is at least 8 gm or sufficient for two time processing, and label on the specimen container should match with that on the LRF.
·       Stick the label with lab. no. on the side and top of  the specimen container.
·       Put the specimen container in a polythene bag.
·       If there is any leakage this specimen should be handled last, transfer the contents of this container in to a previously labeled sterile specimen container. Wrap in a polythene bag. Discard the original container into discarding pan containing freshly prepared 1% Sod. Hypochlorite solution.
·       If the quantity of the specimen is less than 2-3gm then make a note in the LRF, sample receiving register and sample receipt book. Inform to the corresponding authority and request for another sample.
·       Store the specimen at -200 C in deep freeze no.7 if samples are not processed on the same day or store the specimen in 40C refrigerator if samples are processed on the same day.
·       Issue a receipt with all the details of the specimen to the person who brings the specimen and keep a copy in the receipt book.
·       Fill up the carrier with freshly prepared 1% Sod. Hypochlorite for 1/2 hour. Replace all the ice packs with fresh one. Put the used packs in 1% Sod. Hypochlorite solution over night, wash it properly with tape water.
·       Give already cleaned carrier.

  1. Safety conditions
  • Do not open stool carrier out side the designated lab.
  • Soiled gloves to be discarded in to the beaker with 1% Sod. Hypochlorite solution kept inside the Biosafety cabinet and wear new gloves.
  • Each specimen container should be carefully examined upon receipt. Specimens from leaking containers are to be transferred to clean prelabelled sterile containers.
  • If any spill in the BSC, clean it with cotton soaked in 1% Sod. Hypochlorite solution.

1.    Documentation
·       Stool sample receiving register PR-1
·       Stool sample receipt book PR-2
·       Log book of Biosafety Cabinet No 6

2.    References used to draw SOP
·       WHO Polio Laboratory Manual.

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